Joomla 3.5 Templates by FatCow Complaints

Asociația MLREU

Convoacă Adunarea Generala a membrilor în data de 10 martie 2024 orele 16.30 la București str Doamna Ghica nr .3-5 et 1,sector 2 , cu ordinea de zi : 1 Cooptare de membri ,
2 Actualizare act constitutiv / statut
3 Schimbare sediu social
4 Diverse.

We believe that Freemasonry is a sacramental-initiatory order aiming human consciousness transcendence and, on another level, elevating the level of collective mental clarity, so that it is possible to build the ideal Temple of Humanity. The aim to transpose the divine order in worldly life leads our entire effort.

Due to the current state of the Order in relation with the precepts arising from old duties, we intend to constantly act to restore and update our millenary tradition based on faith in God and the immortality of the human soul. Our fundamental options are: Light, Unity, Harmony, Order, Truth, Wisdom and Love.

For us, the inner work - "stone carving" - implies, on one hand, "to dig deep dungeons of vice and cultivate virtue" and, secondly, to strengthen the spirit of companionship, mutual aid and tolerance.

Thus, educated in the lodge, the aspirant for perfection can be invested to participate to the outer work that we call the Building of Humanity Ideal Temple. Without going through inner work with obedience and assiduous, outer work does not succeed.